The Australian Aged Care Collaboration (AACC) is calling on the incoming Labor government and the large crossbench to deliver on the promise of political change by nominating aged care reform as a priority for the first 100 days and to ensure it features in any crossbench negotiations in the coming days and weeks. […]
Category: Media Releases
Aged Care Crisis Worsens: Closures and new financial analysis highlight urgency of ambitious action by next government
The Australian Aged Care Collaboration (AACC) says evidence is mounting that shows the dire situation facing aged care continues to worsen, with the release of new financial analysis from UTS and further reports of workforce and service availability gaps. […]
Aged Care Scorecard: Peaks Call for Urgent Action
A new scorecard released today by the Australian Aged Care Collaboration (AACC) shows there is much more work yet to be done by the major parties on delivering the crucial reforms recommended by the Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality & Safety. […]
Election 2022: Aged care tops list of concerns for voters
Recent surveys from the Australian National University and also the ABC’s Vote Compass have confirmed that aged care ranks as a top issue of concern for Australians as they consider their vote. […]
Hundreds of Aged Care Workers and Campaign Supporters keen to hear from Leaders on Workforce Reform
The Australian Aged Care Collaboration has invited political leaders from major parties, or their representatives, to address an online meeting that already has more than 600 RSVPs from various workers, providers and families. […]
Aged care providers Budget in Reply 2022 response
are providers have welcomed the Australian Labor Party’s commitment to work with the sector to realise significant system improvements, in particular a commitment to fund pay increases for a dedicated and exhausted workforce and to increase minutes of care and nursing coverage. […]
Providers support 24-hour nurse coverage, but where is the funding and the workers to make it possible?
Aged care providers have welcomed Senate amendments to the government’s aged care reform bill that would bring forward the requirement for 24-hour registered nurse coverage to 2022. The amendments in the Senate are yet to be adopted in the House of Representatives. […]
Aged care providers response to Budget 2022
There is nothing in this budget to improve aged care wages. It will leave our dedicated workers on the edge of poverty and many older Australians without the services they need. […]
Aged care Budget 2022: What’s needed to pay workers better and improve quality of care
Aged care providers have called on federal government support to address the workforce crisis facing the sector and improve the quality of care in this week’s Budget. […]
Cost of living pressure pushing aged care workers to brink of poverty line, fuelling workforce shortage
The Australian Aged Care Collaboration (AACC) has today launched its election campaign by with a report showing the wages for aged care workers have failed to keep up with the cost of living. […]